Knowledge Development Centre


Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 15:00


It’s needed your expert knowledge to reach you on ultimate goal. KDC has a moto to give the right knowledge to reach you to the future to fit you to the right position.



The future of work is changing fast – know the drivers of change & the key skills needed to advance/change your career.


Course Title: Future Skills -2030, Prepare for the 4th industrial Revolution

Course Registration: Inbox me for the participation

Course Venue: Banani, Dhaka

Lunch and Snacks: Available

Time: From 9:00 AM to 5: 00 PM

Prayer Break: Available

Participant: All gender

Course Registration Fee: BDT 30,000/- (BDT)

Certification: Available, QR Code and serial number in certificate to enter in Future Skills -2030, Prepare for the 4th industrial Revolution course materials details.

Age: 28 or more

Don’t Miss your sit for Booking


What you’ll learn?

Students will gain a very good overview of the key technologies impacting on all our lives, now and into the future

Other forces of change are also discussed such as Globalization, Climate Change, Population Growth and the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Students will understand the key hard and soft skills needed to prepare for the future of work and how to up-skill and re-skill

Students interested in career change will learn which types of jobs are in and which type of jobs are out over the coming years to 2025 and beyond

Apart from jobs the course examines the need for you to become more entrepreneurial and diversify your livelihood

Students will be able to advise others such as their own children on the skills and careers of the future as we look towards 2030

The course also looks at how the COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted the future of work and how to overcome such pandemic.


Today we are at the beginning of what has been termed the 4th Industrial Revolution. This isn’t about some ‘far future’ of work. In many ways the future is already here (but it is just not evenly distributed!). For example, research by Gallup in 2023 shows that 72 % of Fortune 500 Chief human resources officers (CHROs) foresee Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing jobs in their organization in the next three years.


The pace of change is rapid and the world of work is being transformed by technology at an ever-increasing pace. In 2020 & 2021 the Covid-19 pandemic across the world has accelerated


the changes which were already underway. The need for education has never been higher because the world is changing fast and people need to learn new skills. Will you be left behind or will you be ready for change? To be prepared for the future you have to understand it. Will there be enough employment in the future, and so what will that work be? What key skills will you need? How should you upskill or reskill and what do these terms mean anyway? Should you become an entrepreneur and start your own business to diversify your livelihood? Should you develop a portfolio career with multiple sources of income? Which occupations will thrive, and which ones will decline? By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist!


So much is happening in today’s world, and people have so little time to become informed, that there is a widening knowledge gap. This course gives you an overview of the different new technologies and other forces that are driving change in our world. The course describes the skills you and your loved ones need to develop to survive and thrive in this new world of the 4th industrial revolution. This isn’t a time to sit back and wait for events to unfold around you. What actions should you take today? What should you tell your children and grandchildren, colleagues, friends and neighbors about the future of work?

Those individuals and organizations that understand the future of work, and prepare for it, will be the best to succeed.



This course is for professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and anyone interested in understanding and preparing for the changes and opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The course is for anyone who wants an overview of technology and other drivers of changes taking place in our world today and the skills needed for the future of work. The course is aimed at a non-technical general audience.

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It’s needed your expert knowledge to reach you on ultimate goal. KDC has a moto to give the right knowledge to reach you to the future to fit you to the right position.



The future of work is changing fast – know the drivers of change & the key skills needed to advance/change your career.


Course Title: Future Skills -2030, Prepare for the 4th industrial Revolution

Course Registration: Inbox me for the participation

Course Venue: Banani, Dhaka

Lunch and Snacks: Available

Time: From 9:00 AM to 5: 00 PM

Prayer Break: Available

Participant: All gender

Course Registration Fee: BDT 30,000/- (BDT)

Certification: Available, QR Code and serial number in certificate to enter in Future Skills -2030, Prepare for the 4th industrial Revolution course materials details.

Age: 28 or more

Don’t Miss your sit for Booking


What you’ll learn?

Students will gain a very good overview of the key technologies impacting on all our lives, now and into the future

Other forces of change are also discussed such as Globalization, Climate Change, Population Growth and the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Students will understand the key hard and soft skills needed to prepare for the future of work and how to up-skill and re-skill

Students interested in career change will learn which types of jobs are in and which type of jobs are out over the coming years to 2025 and beyond

Apart from jobs the course examines the need for you to become more entrepreneurial and diversify your livelihood

Students will be able to advise others such as their own children on the skills and careers of the future as we look towards 2030

The course also looks at how the COVID-19 global pandemic has impacted the future of work and how to overcome such pandemic.


Today we are at the beginning of what has been termed the 4th Industrial Revolution. This isn’t about some ‘far future’ of work. In many ways the future is already here (but it is just not evenly distributed!). For example, research by Gallup in 2023 shows that 72 % of Fortune 500 Chief human resources officers (CHROs) foresee Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing jobs in their organization in the next three years.


The pace of change is rapid and the world of work is being transformed by technology at an ever-increasing pace. In 2020 & 2021 the Covid-19 pandemic across the world has accelerated


the changes which were already underway. The need for education has never been higher because the world is changing fast and people need to learn new skills. Will you be left behind or will you be ready for change? To be prepared for the future you have to understand it. Will there be enough employment in the future, and so what will that work be? What key skills will you need? How should you upskill or reskill and what do these terms mean anyway? Should you become an entrepreneur and start your own business to diversify your livelihood? Should you develop a portfolio career with multiple sources of income? Which occupations will thrive, and which ones will decline? By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist!


So much is happening in today’s world, and people have so little time to become informed, that there is a widening knowledge gap. This course gives you an overview of the different new technologies and other forces that are driving change in our world. The course describes the skills you and your loved ones need to develop to survive and thrive in this new world of the 4th industrial revolution. This isn’t a time to sit back and wait for events to unfold around you. What actions should you take today? What should you tell your children and grandchildren, colleagues, friends and neighbors about the future of work?

Those individuals and organizations that understand the future of work, and prepare for it, will be the best to succeed.



This course is for professionals, entrepreneurs, students, and anyone interested in understanding and preparing for the changes and opportunities presented by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The course is for anyone who wants an overview of technology and other drivers of changes taking place in our world today and the skills needed for the future of work. The course is aimed at a non-technical general audience.


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