Knowledge Development Centre


Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 15:00

Prepare for 2050-The 6th Industrial Revolution

Greetings from knowledge Development Centre (KDC). We are certified professional and personal growth specialized leadership building Centre. After successful completion of recent course, this is a updated version of future business field aligning to the present. We just launch a new course on Prepare for 2050,

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New Theory of Blackhole

Engr. Nishat Amin, Environment and Climate Specialist, Space and Planet Researcher KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT CENTRE, (KDC) What is Black Hole A black hole is a place in the space stayed in the heart of a galaxy where there was an alive glove once. A black hole is

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Prepare for 2050-The 6th Industrial Revolution

Greetings from knowledge Development Centre (KDC). We are certified professional and personal growth specialized leadership building Centre. We just launch a new course on Prepare for 2050, 6th Industrial Revolution. This course is characterized by using advanced technologies such as quantum computing, and nanotechnology over the

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