Knowledge Development Centre


Mon - Sat: 8:00 - 15:00

Sign of Blind and Deaf according to Quran

Who is the ambassador of Almighty?

How to cut
of bad?

Ask repentance
for your sin.

Dua the

Benefit of

How to control your body and mind.

Secret of ultimate

What is called brotherhood according to Islam

Benefit of

Does people of different religion is each other enemy!! What is humanity?

What is the purpose of human living?

What is the meaning of light? According to Islam.

Benefit of asking forgiveness

Who are you: Understand the true introduction of you?

Purpose of
Human Life

How to earn the ultimate forgiveness.

Pillar of Islam.

Introduction of believers.

Removal of Darkness: Quran the light

How to open
the light.

Are you a slave of
your own!

How to become One: Master of yourself